Working hours are 07:00 to 16:00. Lunch 11:00 – 11:30, Fikaraster 09:00 – 09:15, 14:00 – 14:15.
If you intend to deviate from these working hours for any reason, you should notify your supervisor.
Absence without a valid reason or failure to notify an authorised supervisor will result in a pay cut.
Sick leave is notified by calling the responsible supervisor and the office. To be notified as soon as possible, preferably before the start of the working day. SMS is not accepted for sick leave, in which case it should be followed up with a call at the start of the working day.
Holiday applications are submitted to the responsible supervisor and office. At least 1 month in advance. Summer holidays must be submitted at least 2 months in advance.
Time reporting must be completed daily.
May only be collected at Grolls at Swedol in Luleå. Wear of clothing must never exceed what can be considered normal wear and tear for the tasks being performed.
Only clothing included in the selected range may be taken out.
It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that the correct size of shoes and clothing is selected before the withdrawal takes place.
It is the responsibility of the employee to take care of the clothes in order to make them last as long as possible.
At the end of employment, clothes must be returned to the company.
Hearing protectors with radio and batteries are not something the company stands for.
Company cars and trailers
All private driving is prohibited with company cars and trailers. Private driving can result in losing the company car and being liable for compensation.
The company fuel card may only be used to refuel company cars.
If you discover any defect with the cars/trains, you are obliged to inform the responsible supervisor.
We will use Antes Mek for repair and service of cars, warranty cases are done where you bought the car. Contact the responsible supervisor to make an appointment.
The employee should take care of the car they are responsible for. Keep it clean and tidy and use it in a way that minimises wear and tear.
The company cars are equipped with GPS, this information can be used in case of suspicion of unauthorised absence or private driving. It may also be used in an audit required by the Swedish Tax Agency, in which case the employee risks being taxed if they have driven privately.
Trailers are equipped with chips to locate them.
Tools and machines from the company may only be used during working hours. If you use the company’s machinery and tools privately, you may be liable for compensation.
Employee Must have approval before picking up machines and “expensive” tools from the supervisor in charge (expensive tools refer to: spirit level, crowbar, etc.)
Machines that can be picked up after approval are Milwaukee from Bygma. Except if you already have a set of another brand, eg Dewalt, Makita. In such cases, this should be brought to the attention of the responsible supervisor.
All pick-ups of machines and tools must be marked with the employee’s social security number and name.
It is the responsibility of the employee to protect and care for tools and machines in order to minimise wear and tear on them.
Machines and tools that are broken must be returned for service or brought into the company. Broken machines must be marked. Contact the responsible supervisor in case of a broken machine.
Machines must be checked before use to ensure that safety accessories/protective equipment are correctly fitted. Ex blade protection.
At the end of an employment, machines and tools must be returned, we will go through the list of machines and tools that have been picked out on the employee.
The premises
Everyone has the responsibility to help each other to keep the company in order, including the tool shed, the coffee room, toilets, etc.
Think about where to put trailers and park your car.
There are 2 containers at the company, one is for sheet metal and the other for combustibles.
Work environment
dealing with clients, customers and colleagues in a good and pleasant manner
Work should be carried out in the most professional manner possible, in order to achieve the best possible results at the lowest possible cost to the company and the client.
Discriminatory, harassing and racist behaviour is not allowed. If you experience any of these, please raise it with one of the supervisors.
Keeping the workplace clean and tidy will reduce the risk of injury as well as minimise disruption to the customer’s business.
In the workplace, it is important to follow the company’s quality and environmental plans. The responsible supervisor ensures that these are in place. The employee is responsible for having read these plans before starting work.
Work from lifts, roofs, jobs requiring safety harnesses must always be approved by the responsible supervisor before starting work. The employee must have approved training and knowledge to perform these jobs.
When erecting scaffolding require scaffolding training, scaffolding must always be approved and checked before work may commence from it. If a scaffold has to be temporarily modified or rebuilt, this must first be approved by the responsible supervisor.
All employees must be sober and drug-free in the workplace. If you suspect that this is being violated, contact a supervisor
ID06 must be worn at all times in the workplace.
Contact list of supervisors and clerks
Supervisor Stefan Andersson 070-661 12 07
Responsible for Company cars and trailers
Supervisor Fredrik Vesterberg: 070-552 32 15.
Responsible for machines/tools and work clothes.
Supervisor, Birger Andersson 070-652 61 27,
Responsible for the premises.
Supervisor Anders Boström 070-524 92 47
Responsible over Luleå kommun Framework-Agreement
Gustav Esberg, Special Properties: 073-078 18 15
Responsible over Specialfastigheter Framework-Agreement